Birth to Five Illinois

Birth to Five Illinois

Birth to Five Illinois is a statewide effort that will bring local residents together to address the early childhood needs within their own communities!

Illinois has a goal of becoming the best state in the nation for families raising young children. We believe in the power of parent and family voice and ensuring that underserved communities receive priority services and funding for early care and education. We are bringing community members in each of the 39 regions across the State together to serve on their local Action and Family Councils.

Birth to Five Action Councils will:

  • Include parents and families, early childhood service providers, educators, business and community representatives, and local elected officials, among others
  • Conduct an early childhood needs assessment for the region
  • Identify gaps and make recommendations to expand early childhood services
  • Work closely with local coalitions, families, and other regional partners to support state and community goals

 Birth to Five Family Councils will:

  • Serve as an advisory committee to their local Action Council
  • Advocate for the needs of families
  • Share critical input and provide feedback
  • Be a voice for the community and its needs

Ways to Get Involved: